Friday, January 16, 2009

A failed experiment...

Inspired Phoenix says…

Every one of you has a natural talent or strength that would be considered genius by someone else. The challenge is most of you don’t know what it is.

Why? When most of you were young you listened to someone or had some kind of experience(s) that told you or demonstrated to you it wasn’t important. And you listened. And it became a belief.

Then your gift, rather than nurture and allow you to grow and express, became a burden. In other words it was a powerful driver that started to express itself negatively, rather than positively.

Result. After many years unhappiness or disillusionment seems to be the only experience presenting itself.

But the good news is that it can change. Simply and easily. How? First by finding out what your natural strengths and talents are. And by finding out what your natural interests and values are.

What do I mean by natural? Natural is That Which Come Easiest for YOU. Why is that important? Because what is easy is fun. For example, play is natural, easy and fun. So can any other part of your experience.

While there is an old school model of no pain, no gain, the experiment that has proven it is based on a false belief. While some stretching is good, push and pain equals adrenaline and that spells STRESS. Stress is the basis of any illness or imbalance regardless of what area it shows up in be it health, weight, addictions, relationships, finances, ad nauseum.

Think about what you enjoy and use that as your portal to a new and fun life today. Not tomorrow. Not yesterday. Just today.

Have a great day,

Chip Huge
Emotional Success Coach

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Missing the Target?

I just read about someone "missing the target" of their goal and I had to chuckle. The target wasn’t missed; it just moved and left an image behind of where it use to be, kind of a residual hologram so to speak. The illusion is it is where it was. Remember that every experience in life is just a moving target. Focus from the heart and it will always land where it was intended, not where you think it still is.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The New Old Healthy Living Model

How would you like to be...

The person who is a master in the art of living (who) makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion.

They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace in whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing.

To them, they are always doing both.

-From the Zen Buddhist text

I know I would.